2 - Metadata Selectors

Set up CSS Metadata Selectors in your Index to extract structured data and enhance search results

CSS Metadata Selectors allow you to improve search results by extracting meaningful metadata from your content during indexing. This section guides you through configuring these selectors when creating a new Index, enabling enriched search results.

What are CSS Metadata Selectors?

CSS Metadata Selectors target specific HTML elements on your webpages to extract structured information, such as:

  • Meta descriptions for concise summaries.
  • Open Graph images for visual appeal.
  • Publication dates for content freshness.

These selectors help transform raw text snippets into polished, user-friendly search results.

How CSS Metadata Selectors Work

When configured in your Index settings, CSS Metadata Selectors:

  1. Target elements based on CSS-style formatting, such as meta[name="description"] or .post-date.
  2. Extract matched content during the indexing process.
  3. Store this metadata in the metadata field of search results.

Step-by-Step Configuration

To configure CSS Metadata Selectors:

  1. Open Index Configuration:

    • If you don’t have an existing index, go to you index configuration by creating a new one
    • If you have an existing index, go to your index settings
  2. Add Metadata Selectors:

    • In the Index configuration, add CSS selectors for the elements you want to extract:
      • Use a dot (.) for classes (e.g., .post-date).
      • Use element names directly for tags (e.g., meta or h1).
      • Use attribute selectors for specific attributes (e.g., meta[name="description"] or meta[property="og:image"]).
  3. Set Periodic Resync Configuration:

    • During Index creation, configure the resync period (daily, weekly, or never).
    • If editing an existing Index, changes will take effect after the next scheduled resync.

Best Practices for Metadata Selectors

  1. Target Meaningful Elements: Choose elements like descriptions, images, or dates to provide valuable context.
  2. Keep Selectors Simple: Avoid over-specific selectors to ensure broad compatibility across pages.
  3. Test Selectors: Use browser developer tools to confirm they match the desired elements before saving.

What to Expect

After configuring CSS Metadata Selectors, search results will include enriched metadata such as:

  • A summary that can be used to replace the results’ description.
  • Images for better visual presentation.
  • Publication dates to indicate relevance and freshness.

What’s Next?

Once your Index is configured, move to Step 3: Using Enhanced Search Results to see how metadata improves the search experience.